Volunteers-Club Volunteer Positions

Benicia Arsenal FC

Recreational Head Coach

Head soccer coach. Must complete background checks and trainings prior to the season. Responsible for developing our recreational players and for running training sessions twice a week and coaching during games which are typically on Saturdays. Responsible for finding team volunteers to help. Responsible for attending a May coaches meeting, a July class training with our DOC, and an early August on field training with our DOC. Dates to be announced.

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.


Licensed Club Referee

This person shall be a licensed USSF Grade 8 Referee or higher. He/she is required to fund his/her own course for licensing, fund his/her own uniform, and referee at least four games during the season. He/she will be paid for any and all games he/she referees that is U9 or higher. For more information on how to become a licensed referee email our Referee Assignor, Jeff Kuta at ref.assignor@beniciasoccer.org

**New adult referees as of 2019 would get a $300 refund on registration fees after refereeing a minimum of 5 games at any level in the 2019 fall season, capping the program to 16 referees. This also fulfills the volunteer hours for a family. 

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.


Opening Day

Assists the Opening Day Coordinator with whatever he/she needs help with.

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.


Photo Day

Assists with getting players ready to have photos taken by either helping them fill out necessary forms or helping to get teams organized for their photos.

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.


Coaches Invitational

Assists the Coaches Invitational coordinator with whatever he/she needs help with. Hands out T-shirt’s prior to games. Hands out cupcakes at the end of games. Sets up and changes out or takes down goals when and where necessary. Sets up and takes down flags.

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.


Field Liner

Does field lining at a designated field between Wednesday evening and early Saturday morning in time for games on Saturday. Will line fields between 4 and 6 times during the season. It takes about an hour each time. Must attend a training session (usually in August) prior to the season.

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.


Paint Stocker

Simply stocks spray paint at designated fields for field liners. Disposes of empty paint cans in a place suitable for this type of waste.

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.


Goal Set Up

Recreational only. Set up goals  and flags early Saturday morning in time for games at designated fields. Or take down goals and flags after games are completed for the day and put them away in their storage areas. Must attend a training session (usually in August) prior to the season.

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.


Spirit Wear Booth Sales

This person shall volunteer for a shift (3 hours) in which they stand at a booth (that will be set up by the Spirit Wear Booth Coordinator with stock Spirit Wear, petty cash, and sales material) and sell merchandise to members. Prices determined by President and Spirit Wear Coordinator.

The shifts for 2019 are as follows:

8/17 at BCP 10am – 2pm
8/24 at Liberty 10am – 1pm
9/14 at Jack London 9am – 12pm
10/12 at Jack London 9am – 12pm
10/26 at BCP 10am – 1pm
11/4, 11/5, 11/6 at BCP 5-8pm

We can use up to two people per shift. Click the button below for more information or to inquire about available shifts.

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.


Equipment Mover and Checker

Helps the Fields and Equipment Coordinator move any equipment that needs to be moved to the proper field location prior to opening day. This includes but isn’t limited to flags, stakes, goals, nets, and field lining carts. Then checks the equipment at designated fields once a week to ensure proper function. Reports to the Fields and Equipment Coordinator if there is a problem.
If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.



This could be any miscellaneous job that board members or auxiliary board members need help with. It could be moving equipment or helping with some task.

If you’d like to volunteer for this position click here.

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