
Benicia Arsenal FC
Benicia Arsenal FC are passionate about coach Education and player development.
We are also fully supportive of the USSF Coaching initiative to raise the standards of play in the United States.
Coaches can access here the full US. Soccer Coaching Curriculum. Please use this excellent resource to help you become a better coach.
Director of Coaching Graham Mayle will also provide on field training sessions and classroom based seminars to help develop our pool of Benicia soccer coaches. Please check our calender for upcoming courses.
In addition to this we are also a proud member of NorCal Premier and would encourage all of our club coaches to attend courses that are published on the following link click here (Courses are provided throughout the year from leading soccer clubs and educators around the world)
Another great resource for soccer coach education are the United Soccer Coaches courses - Benicia Arsenal FC will from time to time host these courses for our coaches but you can also check out upcoming courses by clicking here
More information will be made available for our coaches shortly in the mean time if you have any questions about coach Education please e-mail

A reminder that the AQI guidance below should be used when deciding whether or not to cancel games. Clubs are asked to please wait until the day of the game before canceling, if possible, due to the nature of air quality readings, as they can change quickly.
• AQI: 0-100: Games should be played
• AQI: 100-150: Game can be rescheduled - decision to be made by the clubs/teams involved
• AQI: 150+: Game should be canceled and rescheduled