Volunteers-Board Members
Benicia Arsenal FC
** If you’d like to volunteer to be considered for one of these board positions, please send an email to secretary@beniciasoccer.org
The President shall follow all the rules, regulations, policies and procedures set forth by the Board and have general supervision over all the affairs of the League. The President shall serve as the executive officer of the League and call and preside at all meetings of the League and the Board. He/she shall share the duties of parliamentarian with the Vice President. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees and shall appoint chairpersons of committees consistent with the Bylaws. The President shall serve as the primary League liaison with CYSA District IV, CYSA, US Club, the City of Benicia and the Benicia Unified School District. The President shall not vote on any question brought before the Board or any committee except to break a tie vote.
Vice President
The Vice President shall assume such duties as may be assigned by the President, including acting for the President in his/her absence or in such cases as the President’s death, resignation or inability to act. He/she shall chair the disciplinary committee.
The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept, a book of minutes of all meetings, proceedings, and actions of the Board, or committees of the Board. The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept, copies of the Constitution & Bylaws and Policies, Procedures, Rues & Regulations as amended to date. The Secretary shall maintain or cause to be maintained a list of member of all standing and ad hoc committees of the Board required by these Bylaws. The Secretary shall, in conjunction with the Communications Coordinator and in a timely fashion, publish or cause to be published, all aforementioned documents on the league website and/or via email. The Secretary shall keep the corporate seal in safe custody. The Secretary shall be accountable for League stationery supplies, mail pick-up, and issuing of such correspondence as directed by the Board. The Secretary shall chair the Nominating Committee and shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as the board or Bylaws may prescribe.
The Treasurer shall maintain a complete financial record for the League, including a record of all money received for the League from fees and fundraising events. He/she shall collect all BAFC monies, receive and hold the securities of the League and deposit and disburse same as directed by the Board. The Treasurer shall maintain adequate and correct accounts of the League that shall be open for inspection as directed by these Bylaws or the Board. The Treasurer shall submit for review and explanation, full written financial statements of accounts to the Board at each monthly meeting. He/she shall also be responsible for filing all legally required financial reports and tax filings for the League and for submitting a summary financial report at the annual meeting of the membership.
The Registrar will maintain complete registration records for BAFC members in keeping with CYSA and/or US Club rules, regulations, policies and procedures. He/she shall certify on team rosters that all players are properly registered and administratively qualified. The registrar will provide player passes in a timely manner for teams competing outside the League. The Registrar will be responsible for player administration and Recreational teaming procedures in conjunction with the Vice President and the House Coordinators. He/she will coordinate registration activities and comply with specific rules, regulations, policies and procedures established by District IV registrars, CYSA, and/or US Club setting appropriate deadlines for the League to maintain compliance. He/she shall also assign volunteer coordinators to specific tasks to assist with the duties of the position.
Recreational Coordinator
The Recreational Coordinator shall be responsible for the recreational house segment of the League including the formation of the Division IV teams that travel and play in District IV league competition. His/her direct responsibilities are to assign volunteer coordinators to specific tasks to assist with the duties of the position. The Recreational Coordinator will help ensure that the recreational house programs and activities are consistent with the objectives, purpose and policies of the League. He/she shall receive complaints/compliments communicated via the coach evaluation forms mailed to League participants. He/she will be responsible for recruiting coaches and age group coordinators, the assignment of practice fields for house league teams, game schedule coordination, the coordination of the special team/player events for house league players and meetings for house coaches. The Recreational Coordinator shall review all coaching applications in conjunction with the Recreational Coaches Selection Committee and make recommendations regarding assignments to the Board. He/she shall also coordinate with the Registrar in all teaming activities.
Competitive Coordinator (Voted in by the Competitive Division)
The Competitive Coordinator shall administer the Competitive team division and be the chair of the Competitive Committee. His/her direct duties are to assign volunteer coordinators to specific tasks within the competitive division, including a District IV competitive representative, to assist with the duties of the position. He/she shall receive complaints/compliments communicated via the coach evaluation forms mailed to League participants. The Competitive Coordinator will help ensure that the competitive division programs and activities are consistent with the objectives, purpose and policies of the League. The Competitive Coordinator shall recruit coaches and assistant coaches for the competitive division teams, review all coaching applications and requests in conjunction with the Competitive Coaches Selection Committee and make recommendations regarding assignments to the Board. He/she shall also conduct all coaches’ meeting for the competitive division. He/she shall coordinate with the AFC Registrar on all team credential issues.
Referee Coordinator
The Referee Coordinator shall oversee the officiating for all games played within the League, with the exception of tournaments. CYSA and US Club cup competitions. He/she is responsible for the training, assessment, qualification records and scheduling of referees in the League; this includes coordination with the District IV referee coordinator for licensing clinics, in-service training and assessment. He/she shall maintain qualification records on all referees, both league-certified and USSF-certified. The Referee Coordinator is also responsible for assigning volunteer coordinators to specific tasks to assist with the duties of the position. The League Referee Coordinator shall coordinate with both the Recreational and Competitive Division Referee Coordinators and shall be an advisory member of the Disciplinary Committee.