Fall Classic

Benicia Arsenal FC
US Club Soccer Sanctioned Silver/Bronze Girls Tournament September 29th and 30th, 2018
Benicia California
Tournament Website Address: www.beniciasoccer.org
Age Groups: U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17/U18/U19 High School Open Age Group: Girls
Tournament Application Deadline: Closed
Tournament Fee: $575
Clubs with three or more teams entering will receive a discount of $50 per team
Tournament Rules & Information
Name of Tournament: Benicia Fall Classic
Name of Hosting League: Benicia Arsenal Football Club, Date of Tournament: September 29th and 30th, 2018
Sanction: US Club Soccer
Girls Only – Bronze-Silver: U12(9v9) U13,U14,U15,U16,U17/U18/U19(11v11)
Tournament Director Information: Kristin Kamm
P.O. Box 2259, Benicia CA 94510
707 290-3963
Age Group Information:
Age Groups: U12G, U13G, U14G, U15G, U16G, U17/U18/U19G
Bronze and Silver
Guest Player Policy:
Five (5) Guest Players will be allowed in accordance with US Club Guest Player
Policies. This tournament does not allow team age pure Gold or Premier Guest players.
Application Information and Deadline:
Tournament Application Deadline: OPEN. Teams applying after the deadline may be considered only if there are any existing vacancies. The Tournament Director will not consider applications complete if not accompanied by entry fees, team insurance verification and completed application. In the instance that the Tournament fills all brackets prior to the application deadline, the Tournament reserves the right to declare that it is full and closed to applications.
This tournament is for the 2018/2019 season. Please make sure you sign up for the correct age group. All teams should be using the new age group matrix for calendar year Jan 1- Dec 31 as newly implemented by U.S. Club Soccer. See age group matrix below.
Age Group Matrix:
Birth Year | Age Group |
Jan 1 – Dec 31 2007 | U12 |
Jan 1 – Dec 31 2006 | U13 |
Jan 1 – Dec 31 2005 | U14 |
Jan 1 – Dec 31 2004 | U15 |
Jan 1 – Dec 31 2003 | U16 |
Jan 1 – Dec 31 2002 | U17 |
Jan 1 – Dec 31 2001 | U18 |
Jan 1 – Dec 31 2000 | U19 |
$575.00 per team
Checks should be made payable to:
Benicia Arsenal Football Club – BAFC
Selection Process:
Teams will be selected on a random basis of timely applicants. Notification of team acceptance or rejection will be sent to every timely applicant by Team Contact Person email.
A refund of the team’s entry fee (if submitted) will be included in notices sent to rejected teams.
Refund Policy:
A Refund of 50% of the entry fee will be given to teams withdrawing after acceptance but at least four weeks prior to the tournament. No refunds will be issued to accepted teams after the deadline closes.
Withdrawal Policy:
Any team withdrawing from the tournament must do so by a written notice sent certified mail, return receipt requested and postmarked no later the 28 days prior to the tournament start date. Failure to do so may result in a forfeiture of tournament entry fee.
All matches will be played at Benicia Community Park – Community Park Drive/Dempsey Drive at Rose Drive, Benicia, CA, 94510 and Robert Semple Elementary School – 2015 East 3rd Street.
Credential Requirements:
US Club registered teams must present the following credentials:
- Laminated player passes for each player
- US Club Medical Waiver forms signed by parent/guardian for each player
- Laminated Coaches passes
- Official US Club Roster – printed from the US Club website
Non-US Club registered teams (CYSA, AYSO, etc.) must present the following credentials:
- Laminated player passes for each player
- Medical Waiver forms signed for each player (for CYSA this is the 1601 form)
- Laminated Coaches passes
- Official Team Roster issued by the team membership organization. (ie. CYSA Goldenrod)
Note: Non US Club Soccer teams will be required to purchase individual team insurance. Obtain optional tournament team insurance [see below]. You may obtain optional tournament insurance through US Club Soccer. In this case, you are not a US Club Soccer member, but instead are receiving insurance just for this tournament. [Online Application]
Initial Check-in:
First Initial Check-In for all teams will be 1 hour prior to your first game of the season at Benicia Community Park (tournament facility). After which teams should check in 30 minutes prior to games throughout the tournament weekend.
The following credentials must be presented at the mandatory team credentials check- in:
- An official team roster, including any applicable player add forms, player release forms, player transfer forms, adult add forms, and guest player forms approved by the applicable governing Organization.
- Member passes from the same seasonal year for each player (including guest players) properly approved by the applicable governing Organization.
- A membership form for the applicable governing Organization, with the medical release and hold harmless declarations signed in original ink by the parent or guardian (or by the player in the instance where the player is 18 years of age) for each player and guest player.
- Each team must have at least one properly credentialed adult present on the sidelines of each match.
- In addition to being checked at the pre-tournament credentials check-in, all members’ passes will be checked prior to the beginning of each match.
- Proof of Optional Team Insurance if non US Club or USSF affiliated. USYSA teams must go online and complete Cal North Notification for Soccer Travel to Tournaments to use Cal North (CYSA) credentials at Old Capitol Classic. After going on line you need to print the certificate and bring to check-in. USClub teams are covered. If you play for another league please contact the tournament coordinator.
Start Times and Forfeitures:
Teams must check in at the Community Park Tournament Headquarters Tent or the Robert Semple Tournament tent 30 minutes prior to each scheduled start time of their game in order to be checked in by appointed tournament officials. Games will be started within 5 minutes of the designated start time. If a team has not taken the field with a minimum of seven (7) players within the 5 minute grace period, the game will be forfeited to the team that has taken the field with at least seven (7) players. If neither team takes the field within the _5_ minute grace period, no points will be awarded to either team and the game will be declared a double forfeit.
The referee and/or Tournament Committee may terminate a game and award a forfeit if a team leaves the field during the game without the approval of the referee, the referee abandons a match due to unsafe conditions, excessive violent conduct and/or misconduct by the players, coaches or fans, or a team is deemed to be in gross violation of the rules of US Youth Soccer, CYSA, this tournament.
Good sportsmanship is expected of all teams, officials and fans. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players, staff, parents and affiliated spectators no matter where they are in relation to the field of play. Spectators will observe the two- yard distance from the touch line to allow assistant referees a clear view. Spectators will occupy the sideline as assigned by referee, most likely spectators will be asked to sit on opposite sides of the field, on the same side as their team, as per the new suggested guidelines of NorCal. However, the referee will have discretion, ultimately.
At the discretion of the Tournament Director, the offending team may be asked to leave the tournament, forfeiting remaining games to a 1-0 result. No refunds of registration fees will be provided to the offending team. The Tournament Director may suspend or eject any player, coach, or spectator for poor sportsmanship, or hostile behavior.
Ejections – A player who is sent off or coach who is expelled during a match will have a minimum of a one game suspension. All ejections will be reviewed by the tournament committee, who will issue the disciplinary decision for the offense. The Tournament Director may take additional disciplinary action against a team or individual for serious offenses, including suspension from the remainder of the tournament and non-eligibility for future Benicia Arsenal FC Club Tournaments.
The passes for the player or coach are to be held by the Tournament director at tournament HQ, until the suspensions are served.
Length of Games:
Age Group Preliminary Games Consolation and Championship
U-12 | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half time period | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time period |
U-13 | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half time period | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time period |
U-14 | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time period | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time period |
U-15 | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time period | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time period |
U-16 | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time period | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time period |
U-19 | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time period | 30 minute halves/ 5 minute half-time per |
In preliminary games ties will stand. If a championship or consolation game is tied at the end of regulation play, two 5 minute overtime periods will be played. If still tied at the completion of the overtime periods, the game will be decided by penalty kicks as per FIFA laws of the game. At the discretion of the Tournament Director or Tournament Committee, overtime periods may be shortened or eliminated if the game has been significantly delayed at the start. The length of any game may be shortened to shorter but equal halves if the Tournament Committee deems it necessary due to field conditions, weather or darkness
HALF TIME: Half Time break will be 5 minutes.
Mandatory Rest Periods:
Teams will be given a minimum rest period of two hours between games. The rest period will commence when a team’s match ends and will end when the team’s subsequent match begins.
The use of return substitutes is permitted. A substitute only enters during a stoppage in play, at the halfway line, after the player being replaced has left, and after receiving a signal from the referee. The referee may disallow substitution if they deem them to be “time-wasting” in nature.
Send Offs, Ejections and Cautions:
A player receiving two yellow cards in a single game is considered the same as having been given a red card (send off). A player or coach who is sent off must leave the vicinity of the field and shall not be replaced. The player shall not be allowed to participate in the NEXT game. A player or coach who is sent off in two games in the Tournament shall not be allowed to participate in the remainder of the Tournament. A send off report will be forwarded to the Tournament Director and Tournament Disciplinary Committee for review. The director and committee have the authority to add on extra game suspensions or removal from the tournament, if they deem the sendoff as egregious. Please remember Benicia Arsenal F.C. has a zero tolerance policy with respect to referee abuse, especially against youth referees. If a warning or sendoff is due to abusing our youth referees the coach or player(s) will be asked to leave the tournament and no refunds will be provided. Please note that additional disciplinary action over and above that assessed by the Tournament Committee will be at the discretion of the member’s District or US Club Soccer disciplinary committees.
Scoring System:
Maximum number of points allowable per game: 10
Teams shall be awarded points on the following basis:
6 points for a win 3 points for a tie 0 points for a loss
- point for each goal up to three 1 bonus point for a shut-out
- points will be deducted for each send off (including sidelines)***MERCY RULE – N/A, however the spirit of the rule is expected from all coaches. ***Forfeited games will be scored as 1 to 0 (8 points) in favor of the team that did not forfeit. In the case a team withdrawing at the last minute or not showing, all preliminary games for that team will be scored as a forfeit.In preliminary games, ties will stand. If a championship or consolation game is tied at the end of regulation play, two 5 minute overtime periods will be played (no golden goals). If still tied at the completion of the overtime periods, the game will be decided by penalty kicks as per FIFA laws of the game. At the discretion of the Tournament Committee, overtime periods may be shortened or eliminated if the game has been significantly delayed at the start. The length of any game may be shortened to shorter but equal halves if the Tournament Committee deems it necessary due to field conditions, weather or darkness. A forfeit shall be considered a 1-0 game for scoring purposes; 0-0 ties are shutouts (4 points for each team). The referee report will constitute the official game record.
Tie-Breaking Procedures:
In case of a tie in tournament points following the completion of preliminary games, the advancing team will be determined based on the following criteria in the order specified.
- Head to Head competition – team that won the head to head competition between the teams that are tied will advance (should there be a tie in tournament points between three or more teams, the tie-breaking procedure begins with #B below.)
- When and if only two teams remain tied at any point while using this procedure, the order of tie breaking will recommence at #A above
- Team with the fewest losses advances
- Team with the highest goal differential advances (goals scored by a team minus goals allowed by a team, not to exceed a differential of 5 goals in any one match)
- Team with fewest goals allowed advances
- Team with most goals scored advances (not to exceed 5 goals counted for any one match)
- Team with fewest send-offs advances
- Kicks from the penalty spot as per FIFA rules. The team with the most successful kicks advances.
The minimum number of games for each team in tournament will be three (3). (Forfeited games will count in game minimum).
8 Team Divisions: Teams will be four (4) teams per bracket with two (2) brackets in the group. Each team in the bracket will play all other teams in their bracket. Finals will be the top team from each flight and consolation will be the second place team from each bracket.
6 Team Divisions: Teams will be three (3) teams per bracket with two (2) brackets in the group. Each team will play the other 2 teams in the bracket on Saturday (2 games). Sunday games will be played as Semi-Finals for the top 2 teams in each bracket and the third place teams in each bracket will play against each other for their third game (This game can end in a tie). The top team by points in bracket A will play the second place team in Bracket B, the top team in Bracket B will play the second place team in Bracket A by points, this will be the semifinals. If a semifinal game ends in a tie there will be no over time, teams will go straight into penalty kicks as per FIFA rules. Winners of these games will play in the championship game and losers of these games will play in the consolation game. All other tie breakers and scoring is described in sections 13 and 14 of the rules.
4 Team Divisions: Divisions with 4 teams will play each team in the division. They will play 2 games on Saturday and 1 on Sunday. The top 2 teams will play in the finals and the bottom 2 teams will play in the consolation game.
All teams are to stay on the marked side of the field in their technical areas. During games only credentialed personnel will be allowed in team areas. Spectators will remain in assigned areas, as well.
18 awards per team. Trophies will be presented to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place teams in each age group. All participants will receive a participant pin.
Home Team:
The team listed first on the game schedule. Conflicts in jersey color will be resolved by the home team being required to change jerseys. The referee will determine if there is a conflict in jersey colors or keeper jersey colors. The home team will be responsible for providing the game balls (3). Home team will kick off in the second half, away team will kick off in the first half.
Injuries and Medical Assistance:
Any injuries must be reported to a tournament official so that an accident report form can be completed. A tournament official will call 911 for an injury if deemed necessary or at the coach’s or parent’s request.
Weather/Field Conditions:
In case of inclement weather or dangerous field conditions, games may be shortened or rescheduled, go to a FIFA penalty shoot-out or be canceled. The Tournament Director will make the final determination of the choice. It may be necessary to change game times or locations if the assigned field becomes unavailable or some similar difficulty arises. If the scheduled games are unable to be played, awards will be based on a point system to be determined by the Tournament Committee.
Tournament Cancellation:
If the tournament must be cancelled due to inclement weather, acts of civil disobedience, war, destruction of facilitates or other circumstance deemed by the Tournament Committee to be beyond the control of the hosting league, the tournament may retain up to 30% of the entry fee once the tournament’s expenses are verified.
Refunds of no less the 70% of the team’s entry fee will be postmarked and mailed to the teams within 45 days of the approved tournament date.
Housing and Hotel Information:
Housing will not be provided. The individual teams must arrange hotel accommodations.
Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is expressly prohibited at any of the sport fields or complexes. Any team (including players, coaches, parents and affiliated spectators) found violating these rules will automatically forfeit all games played, face possible expulsion from the tournament and will not be invited to any future tournaments hosted by this league.
Use of tobacco products is prohibited at this tournament. Use of tobacco products on the grounds of any public school facility is a violation of California State Law.
Dogs are prohibited on the fields at this tournament. There is a dog park located above Field 2.
Referees will be instructed to abandon a game if, after being asked to do so, any person affiliated with the team refuses to remove a dog from the area of the soccer field, or if after being asked to do so, any person affiliated with the team refuses to cease the use of tobacco products in the area of the soccer field.
All Portable Shelters (EZ ups, tents, etc.) must be secured with either stakes or sandbags.
Tournament Committee: