Photo Day Schedule

Benicia Arsenal FC
Benicia Arsenal FC PHOTO SCHEDULE 2019 – PDF
Good Day Everyone!!
We are excited to kick off this soccer season and want to provide you with information you’ll need to be in attendance that day. There is a lot of important information here so please read to the end and keep this email to refer back to.
Opening Day Saturday, August 17th, 2019.
Benicia Community Park Field #3 9:30 am
Coaches Arrive at 8:45 am
Players arrive at 9:00 am
Team Walk in and Ceremony to Start Promptly at 9:30 am
Recreational and TOP soccer Teams in full uniform except cleats. Bring cleats for pictures.
Competitive Teams will wear their home game uniforms. No cleats. But bring cleats for pictures.
Bring Team Banner if you have one.
Photo Day 10:30am – 5:00pm
at Benicia Community Park
Schedule will be posted on the BAFC Website but is also attached below.
As a courtesy to our coaches and a thank you to Benicia Arsenal FC for choosing them, Shooting Stars Photography is allowing all volunteer coaches (head coach and two assistants who must also appear in the team photo) to have free photos with their child or children who are playing. Forms can be found on photo day at Community Park.
Photos to be taken by Shooting Stars Photo
How to order photos:
Go to –
Select – Order before opening day
Enter – Your access code SL62119
Print – Online Order Confirmation and bring to photo day.
– Create your own Value Packages
– Discounted Add-ons for Value Package Purchases
– Purchase a Digital Download
– Personalize Photos with year and your player’s name
See below for more photo day information
Shooting Stars Productions copyright 2017
310 Florida Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
For more information contact:
Barbara McBride
BAFC Events Coordinator
Some other very important things to include in your calendar for opening day:
1) There will be a player versus coaches game immediately following the opening ceremonies. Probably on field 4. All Competitive Coaches and Players are strongly encouraged to attend. This was a very fun, well attended, and hugely successful game last season.
2) There will be referee clinics for the U6 – U8 age groups that day. There will be one at 11:00 and one at 12:00. There will be referee shirts, whistles and rules given out at the clinics. We will meet at BCP (Benicia Community Park) field 1 by the end closest to the parking lot. Diagram of which field is which is below. Look for Reba Halverson who will be in a referee uniform with a yellow referee jersey on.

Benicia Arsenal FC PHOTO SCHEDULE 2019 – PDF
Good Day Everyone!!
We are excited to kick off this soccer season and want to provide you with information you’ll need to be in attendance that day. There is a lot of important information here so please read to the end and keep this email to refer back to.
Opening Day Saturday, August 17th, 2019.
Benicia Community Park Field #3 9:30 am
Coaches Arrive at 8:45 am
Players arrive at 9:00 am
Team Walk in and Ceremony to Start Promptly at 9:30 am
Recreational and TOP soccer Teams in full uniform except cleats. Bring cleats for pictures.
Competitive Teams will wear their home game uniforms. No cleats. But bring cleats for pictures.
Bring Team Banner if you have one.
Photo Day 10:30am – 5:00pm
at Benicia Community Park
Schedule will be posted on the BAFC Website but is also attached below.
As a courtesy to our coaches and a thank you to Benicia Arsenal FC for choosing them, Shooting Stars Photography is allowing all volunteer coaches (head coach and two assistants who must also appear in the team photo) to have free photos with their child or children who are playing. Forms can be found on photo day at Community Park.
Photos to be taken by Shooting Stars Photo
How to order photos:
Go to –
Select – Order before opening day
Enter – Your access code SL62119
Print – Online Order Confirmation and bring to photo day.
– Create your own Value Packages
– Discounted Add-ons for Value Package Purchases
– Purchase a Digital Download
– Personalize Photos with year and your player’s name
See below for more photo day information
Shooting Stars Productions copyright 2017
310 Florida Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
For more information contact:
Barbara McBride
BAFC Events Coordinator
Some other very important things to include in your calendar for opening day:
1) There will be a player versus coaches game immediately following the opening ceremonies. Probably on field 4. All Competitive Coaches and Players are strongly encouraged to attend. This was a very fun, well attended, and hugely successful game last season.
2) There will be referee clinics for the U6 – U8 age groups that day. There will be one at 11:00 and one at 12:00. There will be referee shirts, whistles and rules given out at the clinics. We will meet at BCP (Benicia Community Park) field 1 by the end closest to the parking lot. Diagram of which field is which is below. Look for Reba Halverson who will be in a referee uniform with a yellow referee jersey on.