Old Capitol Classic

Benicia Arsenal FC
Name of Tournament: Benicia Old Capital Classic – Boys’ Tournament
Name of Hosting Club: Benicia Arsenal F.C.
Dates of Tournament: August 10-11, 2019
Sanctioning Authority: US Club Soccer
Level of play: Bronze / Silver / Gold Boys
Age Groups (Boys): U9&U10 (7v7), U11&U12 (9v9), U13-U16 (11v11)
This tournament is unrestricted. Teams registered in good standing with any U.S. Soccer Federation (USSF) affiliate are eligible to apply.
Jose Beltran
553 Morning Glory Drive, Benicia CA 94510
U9-U10 $395, U11-U12 $495, U13-U16 $595
Checks payable to: Benicia Arsenal F.C.
Clubs that register three (3) or more teams receive a 10% discount off each entry fee.
Application for this tournament is still OPEN.
Teams applying after the deadline may be considered only if there are any existing vacancies. The Tournament Director will not consider applications complete if not accompanied by entry fees, team insurance verification and completed application. The Tournament Director reserves the right to declare the tournament is full and closed to applications. Please make sure to sign up for the correct age group or your application may be rejected.
Birth Year Age Group
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2011 = U09
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2010 = U10
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2009 = U11
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2008 = U12
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2007 = U13
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2006 = U14
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2005 = U15
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2004 = U16
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2003 = U17
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2002 = U18
Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2001 = U19
Participating teams will be randomly accepted from timely applicants. Notification of team acceptance or rejection will be sent to every timely applicant by email to Team Contact Person. A refund of the team’s entry fee (if submitted) will be included in notices sent to rejected teams.
Any team withdrawing from the tournament must do so by a written notice sent certified mail, return receipt requested and postmarked no later the 28 days prior to the tournament start date. A refund of 50% of the entry fee will be given to accepted teams which properly withdraw at least four weeks prior to the tournament. No refunds will be issued to accepted teams after the withdrawal deadline closes.
Benicia Community Park
540 Rose Drive
Benicia, CA 94510
US Club registered teams must present the following credentials:
- Laminated player passes for each player
- US Club Medical Waiver forms signed by parent/guardian for each player
- Laminated Team Official passes
- Official US Club Roster – printed from the US Club website
Non-US Club registered teams (CYSA, AYSO, etc.) must present the following credentials:
- Laminated player passes for each player
- Medical Waiver forms signed for each player (e.g. CYSA 1601 form)
- Laminated Team Official passes
- Official Team Roster issued by the team membership organization (e.g. CYSA Goldenrod)
NOTE: Non-US Club teams will be required to purchase individual team insurance. Obtain optional tournament team insurance [see below]. You may obtain optional tournament insurance through US Club Soccer. In this case, you are not a US Club Soccer member, but instead are receiving insurance just for this tournament. [Online Application]
The Mandatory Pre-Tournament Team Credentials Check-in for all teams will be 1.5 hours prior to your first match of the tournament at Benicia Community Park tournament headquarters located near Field 1. All rosters, player and team official passes, and other forms must be approved by the applicable governing organization. The Tournament Committee may disallow participation in the tournament to any player or team official who does not have the proper credentials, including improper rosters.
Teams must check-in at the Benicia Community Park tournament headquarters 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of each and every match. Each team must have at least one properly credentialed team official present on the sidelines of each match or else the match will be forfeit.
The referee will start keeping time at the designated start time. If one team has not taken the field with the minimum number of players required to start or continue a match within 5 minutes of the referee’s signal, they shall forfeit to the team that has taken the field with the minimum number of players. If neither team has the minimum number of players within 5 minutes of the referee’s signal, the match will be declared a double forfeit.
Teams will be given a mandatory minimum rest period of two hours between matches, commencing when a team’s match ends and ending when the team’s subsequent match begins.
Teams will obtain points in the group stage according to the following schedule and be ranked by greatest number of points obtained in all group stage matches:
3 points for each win
1 point for each draw
0 points for each loss
A forfeit shall be considered a win against the offending team with a score of 1-0. A double forfeit shall be scored as a loss for both teams with a score of 0-0.
If two or more teams are equal on points after the group stage, their ranking will be determined by applying each tie-breaking step listed below to the teams concerned. When a team is eliminated from any tie-breaking step, go back to step 1 and re-evaluate among the remaining teams concerned.
1) Greatest number of points in group stage matches among the teams concerned;
2) Fewest player send-offs (red cards) and team official dismissals;
3) Goal difference;
4) Most goals scored;
5) Fewest goals allowed;
6) Fewest player cautions (yellow cards);
7) Kicks from the penalty mark.
All teams and players should remain at the field in case step 7 is needed to determine ranking after the group stage.
If there are more than two teams still tied at step 7, the teams concerned shall compete in a single elimination bracket of kicks from the penalty mark, assigned randomly by the Tournament Director. If one team is not ready to participate in step 7 and the other is ready, the team which is ready will be considered to have eliminated the other from the tie-break.
The minimum number of tournament match fixtures for each team will be three (3). Any forfeited matches will count toward the minimum number of fixtures.
4 Team Divisions: A single group with all four (4) teams. All teams play two (2) matches on Saturday and one (1) on Sunday against all opponents in the group. First and second will play in the championship; third and fourth will immediately participate in kicks from the penalty mark to determine third place.
5 Team Divisions: A single group with all five (5) teams. All teams play a 4-match full round robin with two (2) matches on Saturday and two (2) on Sunday. Final rankings will be determined by points earned and tie-breaking procedures.
6 Team Divisions: Two (2) groups with three (3) teams each. Each team will play 2 matches on Saturday against the other 2 teams in their group and then be ranked. On Sunday, first Group A will play second Group B, and first Group B will play second Group A in the semifinals. Winners of the semifinals will play in the championship and losers will play in the consolation. Additionally, the third-place teams from each group will contest a fifth-place classification match which may end in a draw.
7 Team Divisions: Two (2) groups, Group A with four (4) teams and Group B with three (3). All teams play two (2) matches on Saturday against opponents from their group and will then be ranked. On Sunday, first Group A will play second Group B, and first Group B will play second Group A in the semifinals. Winners of the semifinals will play in the championship and losers will play in the consolation. Additionally, the third-place teams from each group will contest a match, the winner of which will play another match against the fourth-place team from Group A.
8 Team Divisions: Two (2) groups with four (4) teams each. All teams play two (2) matches on Saturday and one (1) on Sunday against all opponents in the group. First place teams from each group will play in the championship; second place teams from each group will play in the consolation.
Awards will be presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams in each age group. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams will receive player medals. 1st place team will receive a trophy. All participants will receive a participant pin. Fourteen (14) awards per team are given in the U9 and U10 age groups, sixteen (16) in U11 and U12, and eighteen (18) in U13 to U19.
Good sporting behavior is expected of all players, team officials and spectators. Head coaches are ultimately responsible for the behavior of their players, team officials, and spectators no matter where those individuals are in relation to the field of play.
During matches only players and team officials only must occupy the technical area.
Spectators will be on the opposite side of the fields from the teams. Spectators shall retreat two yards from the touch line to allow assistant referees a clear view. Spectators from opposing teams are asked to occupy opposite sides of the centerline.
The Tournament Committee may expel from the tournament any player, team official, or spectator for irresponsible behavior including unsporting behavior.
The home team is listed first on the schedule. Conflicts in jersey color will be resolved by the home team being required to change jerseys. The referee will determine if a conflict in jersey color needs to be resolved. The home team will be responsible for providing three (3) balls.
Benicia Arsenal F.C. has a zero-tolerance policy against dissent and referee abuse. The Tournament Committee may expel from the tournament any player, team official, or spectator for irresponsible behavior including dissent and referee abuse.
A player who is sent off (red card) or a team official who is dismissed for irresponsible behavior by the referee shall leave the vicinity of the field to the parking lots or further. That individual shall serve a minimum one match suspension, subject to further review by the Tournament Committee. Any individual sent off or dismissed from two matches in the tournament shall not be allowed to participate in the remainder of the tournament. The passes for the player or coach are to be held by the Tournament Director at tournament headquarters until the suspensions are served.
If the referee abandons a match for any reason due to the misconduct or irresponsible behavior of one or both teams, including but not limited to unsafe conditions, all players leaving the field without approval of the referee, violent conduct or misconduct by multiple players, coaches or spectators, or gross violation of the rules of US Youth Soccer, US Club Soccer, and this tournament, the Tournament Committee may impose a punitive forfeit or double forfeit against the offending team or teams.
All incidents of player send-offs, team official dismissals, referee abuse, abandoned matches and suspensions shall be reviewed by the Tournament Committee. The Tournament Committee may take additional disciplinary action against any individuals or teams based on the severity of the incident. Such action can include additional suspensions, expulsion from the tournament without refund, and non-eligibility for future Benicia Arsenal FC Club Tournaments. If a team is expelled from the tournament, they shall be deemed to forfeit all remaining matches and retroactively forfeit all previously played matches.
Any injuries must be reported to a tournament official so that an incident report form can be completed. A tournament official will call 911 for an injury if deemed necessary or at the coach’s or parent’s request.
In case of inclement weather or dangerous field conditions, matches may be shortened, rescheduled, canceled, or decided by kicks from the penalty mark at the sole discretion of the Tournament Committee. It may be necessary to change match times or locations if a field unexpectedly becomes unavailable. If the scheduled matches are unable to be played, awards will be based on a point system to be determined by the Tournament Committee.
If the tournament must be cancelled due to force majeure, including but not limited to inclement weather, natural disaster, acts of civil disobedience, or destruction of facilities, the Tournament Committee at their sole discretion may retain up to 30% of the entry fee once the tournament’s expenses are verified. Refunds of no less the 70% of the team’s entry fee will be postmarked and mailed to the teams within 45 days of the approved tournament date.
Housing will not be provided. Teams must arrange their own accommodations.
Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is prohibited at any park in the City of Benicia (Benicia Municipal Code 12.28.035).
Possession or consumption of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes is prohibited. California state law prohibits use of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes on the grounds of any public-school facility (AB X2-9) and within 250 feet of any youth sports activity (SB 977).
Dogs are not prohibited on the fields. There is a dog park located above Benicia Community Park Field 2.
Noise makers of any kind are prohibited.
All Portable Shelters (EZ ups, tents, etc.) must be secured with either stakes or sandbags.
The Tournament Committee has the authority to expel from the tournament any players, team officials or spectators who violate any of the above prohibitions.
All matches, when concluded, will be considered final. PROTESTS AND APPEALS WILL NOT BE HEARD. Situations not specifically addressed by these rules will be resolved by Tournament Committee.
The Tournament Committee shall consist of the Tournament Director, the club Disciplinary Committee Chairperson, the tournament Referee Assignor, and any other pre-designated Tournament Officials. The Tournament Committee shall have sole authority to create policy, make decisions, and act as needed when situations or conflicts occur.
Benicia Arsenal FC tournaments are played under IFAB/FIFA Laws of the Game with some modifications as allowed for youth soccer. The USSF Player Development Initiatives for small-sided games will be followed with respect to field size, goal size, ball size, number of players to start or continue the match, build-out lines, offside, heading, goalkeeper punting and releasing the ball into play, and distance for free kicks.
Benicia Arsenal FC tournaments are further modified and clarified as below.
Law 03 – The Players
The use of return substitutions is permitted. A substitute only enters during a stoppage in play, at the halfway line, after the player being replaced has left, and after receiving a signal from the referee. The referee may disallow substitutions if they deem them to be “time-wasting” in nature.
Law 04 – The Players’ Equipment
All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted. Medical Alert Warning bracelets shall be permitted if taped securely to the player’s body.
Orthopedic (hard) casts, air splints and metal splints are considered dangerous and may not be worn. Non-dangerous protective equipment, for example headgear, facemasks, and knee and arm protectors made of soft, lightweight, padded material, is permitted as are goalkeepers’ caps and sports spectacles.
Law 07 – The Duration of the Match
- Periods of play
U09 to U10 matches last for two equal halves of 25 minutes.
U11 to U16 matches last for two equal halves of 30 minutes.
- Half-time Interval
Players are entitled to an interval at half-time, not exceeding 5 minutes.
- Allowance for time lost
No allowance is made by the referee for any time lost in the half.
- Penalty kick
If a penalty kick is to be taken or retaken, the half is extended until the penalty kick is completed.
Law 08 – The Start and Restart of Play
- Kick-off
Procedure in matches that do not require a winner
* the home team decides which goal it will attack in the first half
* their opponents take the kick-off
Procedure in matches that require a winner
* the team that wins the toss of a coin decides which goal it will attack in the first half
* their opponents take the kick-off
Law 10 – Determining the Outcome of a Match
- Winning team
Semifinal, consolation, and championship matches require a winner.
If a semifinal match is drawn, use this procedure to determine the winning team:
* a drink break interval not exceeding 1 minute
* kicks from the penalty mark
If a consolation or championship match is drawn, use this procedure to determine the winning team:
* a drink break interval not exceeding 1 minute
* two equal periods of extra time not exceeding 5 minutes each with a half-time interval not exceeding 1 minute
If a consolation or championship match is still drawn after extra time:
* a drink break interval not exceeding 1 minute
* kicks from the penalty mark